
Oxfordshire Junior League – Sun 9th Sept

Our next juniors athletics fixture is at Horspath on Sunday 9th Sept.

The juniors had a great turnouts out the April and August fixtures of the OJL, and our Harriers continue to gain confidence at track & field (runs, jumps & throws).  So, we’re encouraging all juniors to be on the team and have a go at the September OJL meeting.

Oxfordshire Junior League (OJL) is a great introduction, so please don’t worry if it’s their first time at the track.  Going with their friends from the club ensure it’s fun and unintimidating.


Josh throws 18.91 in his first javelin competition


Each competition has a range of events for the competitors.

  • For Under 9 & Under 11’s we’ll have the ‘Quad Kids’, combining the 75m, 600m, Long Jump & throwing the Vortex.
  • For U13’s, U15’s & U17, there are a range of events to choose from inc. 100m, 200m, 800m, 1500m, Relay, Hurdles, High Jump, Long Jump & Shot Putt to choose from.





Details on the events timetable here.  Please put it in the diary and let us know what you’d like to do?  simonmarcleech@gmail.com

The club covers the cost of the OJL affiliation and match fees, so these are included under your annual membership.

You can find more details on our Track & Field page