
Nutrition for Runners – how to fuel and refuel your body – Thursday 7th March 2024 7pm

We are delighted to welcome Hannah Trotman Sports Nutritionist to talk to us on all things nutrition! She will be covering:

  • The basics of nutrition e.g. macronutrients and why they are important for performance and recovery, particularly with a focus on carbohydrates for fuelling and protein for recovery.
  • Signs and symptoms of RED-S and the negative implications this can have on health and performance. She will highlight some key micronutrients too e.g. iron for exercise capacity and general health, calcium and Vitamin D for bone health. Nutrition across life stages e.g. growth and development during teenage years, menopause and bone density loss as we age.
  • How to fuel runs and refuel afterwards – practical snack and meal ideas, carbohydrate requirements, importance of hydration including supplements.
  • Any other topics the members would find useful.

This will be at 7,00pm, in place of regular training, upstairs at the King Alfred’s Head.

Please share any questions or topics you’d like to cover to Clare Hazell on WhatsApp or clarehazell350@gmail.com

Please sign up on meet up.