Restart of Training
The club are restarting training from Thursday 1st April. In line with the Government and England Athletics guidelines, all training will be outdoors and we’ll have a coach per 12 athletes.
On Thursday evening, Junior Harriers will be training on the L shaped field behind the Leisure Centre / Football Club. We will temporarily start at the earlier time of 6.00pm so we can train before dusk. Any questions, please contact Castel or Simon.
Tom’s Group
Tom King’s group will restart at 6.30pm on Thursday at Wantage Memorial Park for hill reps.
The Tuesday training will be held at 6.30pm on the L shaped playing field behind the Football Club.
Pete Sudbury’s group in Woodcote will be doing morning runs Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. 7.30am for year 6, and 7.40am for everybody else. 8.45am session on Sunday & holidays
On Thursday 1st April, Nick White will lead a social run at 6.00pm from the Memorial Park, so parents can drop off their juniors and join the run. Jonathan Gibbard will be organising structured training from Thursday 8th.
Sunday Social
The Social Run will restart on Sunday 4th April. As usual, we will set-off from the Court Hill centre at 9.00am. Details will be on FB. Please contact Simon if you have any questions.
So that we can ensure a coach for each group of 12 Harriers, we are asking seniors to register in advance on MeetUp (either the website or the app).
For junior Harriers, please contact Castel or Tom in advance to let them know if you will be attending the session.
More details coming in the Newsletter, on FaceBook and WhatsApp. Please contact the coaches if you have any questions.